RFM Breakout Boards

A collection of breakout boards for RFM95, RFM69CW and XL4432. With the panelize script 9 breakout boards are assembled to a panel which has to be cut after production.


Schema, production files in the format needed for Seeed Studio.


P1: Power supply and microprocessor interface.

1GNDPower ground.
23.3V3.3V DC power supply.
3RESETReset input, used by RFM69CW and RFM95.
4SHDNShutdown input, used by XL4432.
5SSSPI slave select input.
6SCKSPI serial clock.
7MOSISPI master out slave in.
8MISOSPI master in slave out.
9DIO0Digital I/O 0.
10DIO1Digital I/O 1.
11DIO2Digital I/O 2.
12DIO3Digital I/O 3, nIRQ of XL4432.
13DIO4Digital I/O 4, only used by RFM95.
14DIO5Digital I/O 5, not used by XL4432.
15NCNot connected.
16NCNot connected.

P2: Antenna SMA

Either an SMA connector or a wire antenna can be soldered to P2.
