Borg HA Overvoltage

The Overvoltage PCB protects sensitive circuits from malfunctioning step down converters or other power supplies producing a too high voltage.



  1. Choose ON and OFF voltage (f.ex. 12.2V and 12.6V).
  2. Calculate the average of ON and OFF voltage (f.ex. (12.2V+12.6V)/2 = 12.4V).
  3. Set the input voltage to the average voltage.
  4. Adjust RP1 so that the measurement voltage (P2-1 MEAS) equals the reference voltage (P2-3 VREF).
  5. Turn RP2 clockwise until it reaches the end.
  6. Set the intput voltage to the ON voltage.
  7. Turn RP2 counterclockwise until the output switches on.
  8. Adjust the input voltage and check both switching levels.


Name Value Description
C1 100uF Block capacitor.
C2 100n Block capacitor.
D2 LED Lights up when the switch is on.
P1 CONN_3 -In, Output, +In.
P2 TESTPOINT Measurement, Hysteresis, reference voltages.
R2 10k Upper resistor of divider for reference voltage.
R4 56k Hysteresis feedback resistor.
R5 120k Measurement feedback resistor.
R6 1k Current limiter for LED.
R9 18k Lower resistor for divider of input voltage.
RP1 100k Potentiometer in divider of input voltage.
RP2 100k Potentiometer in hysteresis feedback.
Positive Rail Switched
D1 12V Limits gate voltage, only needed if input voltage > 12VDC.
Q1 IRF4905 Power transistor for switching positiv rail.
Q3 2N3904 Inverter and driver for power transistor.
R1 10k Pullup for the gate of the power transistor.
R7 1.2k Current limiting resistor for the gate driver.
Negative Rail Switched
Q2 IRL3705 Power transistor for switching the negative rail.
Input Voltage < 15VDC
D3 5.6V Zener diode for the reference voltage.
J1 LOWVOLT Powers the circuit directly if set.
R3 0R Upper resistor for the divider of the input voltage.
Input Voltage > 15VDC
C3 10uF Block capacitor.
C4 100n Block capacitor.
R3 15k Upper resistor for the divider of the input voltage.
R8 10k Lower resistor of divider for reference voltage.
U1 78L12 Voltage regulator.

Components by Configuration

Components are ordered by placement on the PCB, from top to bottom, from left to right.

Voltage: Vin < 15V Vin > 15V
Switched Rail: - + - +
RP1 100k
RP2 100k
R3 15k
R5 120k
R4 56k
R6 1k
R1 - 10k - 10k
D1 - 12V - 12V
R2 10k
R7 - 1.2k - 1.2k
R9 18k
R8 - 10k
D3 5.6V -
Q3 - 2N3904 - 2N3904
U2 TL072
Q1 - IRF4905 - IRF4905
Q2 IRL3705 - IRL3705 -
U1 - 78L12
C4 - 100n
C3 - 10uF
C1 100uF
C2 100n
P1 -In, Out, +In



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