Borg Level Translator PCB V1.0

This level translator PCB is used to translate between two digital logic voltage levels, for example between 3.3V and 5V.


Schema, production files in the format needed for Seeed Studio.


The device with the lower voltage has to be connected to port A, the device with the higher voltage to port B. The translation is bidirectional, it automatically detects which side is drivin the line. The translator can be switched to tri-state by pulling OE low.


P1: Port A

1 GNDPower ground.
2 VCCAPower supply for port A, 1.2V - 3.6V.
3 A1Port A pin 1.
4 A2Port A pin 2.
5 A3Port A pin 3.
6 A4Port A pin 4.
7 A5Port A pin 5.
8 A6Port A pin 6.
9 A7Port A pin 7.
10A8Port A pin 8.

P2: Port B

1 GNDPower ground.
2 VCCBPower supply for port B, 1.65V - 5.5V.
3 B1Port B pin 1.
4 B2Port B pin 2.
5 B3Port B pin 3.
6 B4Port B pin 4.
7 B5Port B pin 5.
8 B6Port B pin 6.
9 B7Port B pin 7.
10B8Port B pin 8.

P3: Power 1

1 GNDPower ground.
2 VCCAPower supply for port A, 1.2V - 3.6V.
3 VCCBPower supply for port B, 1.65V - 5.5V.
4 OEOutput enable, pulled high by a 10k resisstor.

P4: Power 2

1 GNDPower ground.
2 VCCAPower supply for port A, 1.2V - 3.6V.
3 VCCBPower supply for port B, 1.65V - 5.5V.
4 OEOutput enable, pulled high by a 10k resisstor.


Bill of Materials for Outputs

-1Borg Level Translator PCB
C1, C22100nF block capacitor, 0805.
R1110k resistor, 0805.
P1, P2210 pin IDC connector or pin headers.
P3, P424 pin 2510 connector or pin headers.
