i1 kb'kfogel interview' kb'check perms' vb"the best way to see if your permissions are ok: 'find -ls' in your repos dir" i2 kb'ext3' vb'http://lwn.net/Articles/10904/' i3 kb'svkantifud' vb'svkantifud is http://svk.elixus.org/?SVKAntiFUD' i4 kb'mail' kb'mail scripts' vb'known working scripts for mailing commit messages and stuff are: mailer.py/commit-email.pl. those can be found in the svn repository under tools/hook-scripts. svnmailer (ayita: svnmailer?) or http://commitmessage.tigris.org' i5 kb'static binaries' vb'you can find static binaries for linux/macosx/sparc at http://www.uncc.org/svntools/clients/' i6 kb'vss2svn' vb'vss2svn is https://github.com/mathewng/vss2svn' i7 kb'bundle' vb'You are using osx? You have bundles under version control? And everytime you edit them they get fscked? see this link for a workaround: http://www.darcynorman.net/2004/08/18/subversion-and-eomodeld-files' i8 kb'rant' vb"Offby1's rather outdated rantings on GUI clients is at http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dgp7832_2f6pxbq." i9 kb'resurrecting' vb'resurrecting deleted items: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.advanced.html#svn.branchmerge.advanced.resurrect' i10 kb'resurrect' vb'resurrect is http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html#svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.resurrect' i11 kb'peg' kb'peg revision' kb'peg revisions' vb"peg revisions is you look at logs for files that aren't present in HEAD: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.pegrevs.html" i12 kb'are you a bot' vb"I prefer 'electronically composed'" i13 kb'branch' kb'branches' kb'branching' vb'branching is described in a book by Brad Appleton et al (http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/acme/branching/)' vb'Get the branch point using svn log --stop-on-copy -r 1:HEAD --limit 1 -q URL.' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.html' i14 kb'ignore local mods' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#ignore-commit' i15 kb'ethereal for Win32' vb'http://winpcap.mirror.ethereal.com/301a/download.htm' i16 kb'danderson' vb'danderson is our fearless release manager!' i17 kb'the main 1.1 features' vb'FSFS, symlink support, and history-tracing for commands like "svn diff -rN file".' i18 kb'APR' vb'Apache Portable Runtime' i19 kb'authz-meta-leak' vb'The mod_authz_svn metadata leak was fixed in 1.0.8 and 1.1.0-rc4, and is described at http://subversion.apache.org/security/CAN-2004-0749-advisory.txt' i20 kb'svn_load_dirs' vb'svn_load_dirs is http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/contrib/client-side/svn_load_dirs/' i21 kb'irssi' vb'http://www.garion.org/irssi/features.php' i22 kb'mirror svn' kb'svnmirror.sh' vb'a sample script for mirroring svn and a lot of links about it it can be found on http://pixel.global-banlist.de./svnmirror.sh.txt . the script is now available via the svn repository as well see: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/contrib/server-side/svnmirror.sh' i23 kb'bugs' kb'report bug' kb'reporting bugs' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/issue-tracker' vb'There are no bugs in Subversion, only features. :) If you find a bug, please follow the directions found at:' i25 kb'clients' kb'gui' vb"windows: tortoisesvn, ankhsvn (visual studio), winsvn | cross platform: subclipse (eclipse), subversive (eclipse), smartsvn, rapidsvn, workbench, subcommander, psvn.el, esvn, qsvn, eric3, kdesvn | OSX: scplugin, SvnX | *nix: KDevelop | If you're learning svn, it's easier for us to help you if you _don't_ use a GUI." i26 kb'anyone here' kb'anyone there' vb'no. please leave a message after the tone. *beeeeeep*' i27 kb'/etc' kb'etc' kb'in place' kb'in-place' kb'in-place import' vb'You can do "in-place" imports -- of, e.g., your /etc directory. See http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#in-place-import' i28 kb'Bad Request' kb'proxy' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#proxy' i29 kb'best practices' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/doc/user/svn-best-practices.html' i30 kb'repos-upgrade' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/repos_upgrade_HOWTO' i31 kb'svn+ssh' kb'svn/svn+ssh' vb'Access to a repository via svn+ssh:// does NOT involve any svnserve daemon or inetd setup you may have on the server in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!' vb'How to configure access via svn+ssh:// URLs is described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html#svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sshauth' vb'Individual svnserve processes are spawned by ssh for each connection, and they WILL NOT be magically aware of any arguments - including --root (-r) - that you may be specifying in your daemon startup or inetd.conf file.' i32 kb'websvn' vb'http://websvn.tigris.org/' i33 kb'faq' kb'project faq' vb'the faq can be found at http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html . Check it before asking a question and search the mailing list archives: http://svn.haxx.se/.' i34 kb'cables' vb'cables is http://www.red-bean.com/kfogel/pix/office-setup-day/' i36 kb'ghudson' vb'Mr. Smarty Pants (and we like it that way)' i37 kb'ChangeLog' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/CHANGES' i39 kb'are you my little botty bot' vb'Yeah, I guess. *sigh*' i40 kb'any hints' kb'book' kb'hints' kb'subversion book' kb'svn book' kb'svnbook' kb'The Book' vb'If that site is down try http://stsp.name/svnbook/' vb'The Subversion Book is at http://www.svnbook.org/' i41 kb'python' vb'python is cool' i43 kb'TRANSLATING' kb'translation' vb'Want to help out translating Subversion into other languages? Read more about it at http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/#l10n' i45 kb'svntar' vb'http://repos.borg.ch/svn/svntar/trunk/' i46 kb'rabbits' vb'rabbits are small' i47 kb'fstype' vb'cat $REPOSPATH/db/fs-type' i48 kb'version in file' kb'version in source' kb'version value in source' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#version-value-in-source' i49 kb'closed unexpectedly' vb'If you see "Connection closed unexpectedly" while using svn+ssh:, perhaps your shell is outputting stuff when you log in. That\'s a Bad Thing. Make sure your shell\'s init files only emit output if the shell is interactive.' i50 kb'svnsync' kb'svnsync FAQ' vb'(If you only need an auto-updated working copy, see http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#website-auto-update instead.)' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/svnsync.txt' vb'svnsync is a mature (available since Subversion 1.4) for keeping incrementally-updated repository mirrors or for downloading remote repositories with history. See the book for details (http://www.svnbook.org/).' i51 kb'SVNParentPath' kb'SVNPath' vb'Be sure to understand the difference between SVNPath and SVNParentPath. Read about it here: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html#svn.serverconfig.httpd.basic' i52 kb'sspi' vb'SSPI FAQ at http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#sspi' i53 kb'proof-by-poem' vb'http://www.red-bean.com/dav/sussman/proofbypoem' i54 kb'snailbook' vb'An excellent book about SSH is at http://snailbook.com' i55 kb'relocate' vb'If the address of the repository has changed, and you want to make your working copies use it, use the command "svn switch --relocate OLD_URL NEW_URL [PATH]". The svn switch command is documented at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.ref.svn.c.switch.html' vb'In Subversion 1.7 and newer, the syntax "svn relocate OLD_URL NEW_URL [PATH]" is preferred. (The old syntax is functionally equivalent.)' i56 kb'svnperms' kb'svnperms.py' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/hook-scripts/svnperms.py' i58 kb'bdb 2 fsfs' kb'bdb to fsfs' kb'bdb2fsfs' vb'bdb2fsfs is svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /path/to/fsfs ; svnadmin dump -q /path/to/bdb | svnadmin load -q /path/to/fsfs; then copy across any customizations you might have in the conf/ and hooks/ directories.' i59 kb'recover' kb'recovery is possible' vb'shut down all process -> run svnadmin recover on the repos -> the \'hanging\' bit ususally means a leftover lock on db.lock, hence the "copy and recover" trick, the \'db_recover -vech\' is what we recommend when svnadmin recover recommends running recovery.' i60 kb'keep-local' vb"keep-local is Move the file out of the way before running 'svn rm', or use the --keep-local flag in the upcoming 1.5 release." i61 kb'anybody there' vb'nobody here but us zombie processes.' i63 kb'ldap' vb'http://wiki.osuosl.org/display/LNX/Subversion+SVN+and++LDAP+and+Webdav' i64 kb'tracking cvs' vb'a script to track changes from cvs into a read only svn can be found at https://open.datacore.ch/DCwiki.open/Wiki.jsp?page=CVS2SVNtracking. 14:35:53 you could also try svk mirror from cvs. it works quite well these days. 02:40:30 < autrijus> darix: care to add the http://svk.elixus.org/?MirrorVCP link?' i65 kb'smart questions' vb'how to ask questions the smart way: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html' i67 kb'autoversioning' vb'Autoversioning is described in the Subversion book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.webdav.autoversioning.html' i68 kb'rule #12.a' vb"rule #12.a: never work for someone who doesn't have a clue (TTimo)" i69 kb'store permissions' kb'store-permissions' vb'Subversion does not version permissions. There exists a wrapper script which you can use instead of "svn" for commit, checkout, update, etc., and store permissions in properties: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/contrib/client-side/asvn' i70 kb'viewcvs' kb'viewvc' vb'ViewVC (formerly ViewCVS) is a repository browser that supports Subversion. Homepage: http://www.viewvc.org/ . Example: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/subversion/trunk/' i71 kb'kfogel' vb'kfogel is the answer to the question "How many light-bulb jokes does it take to screw in a light-bulb?"' i72 kb'mod_highlight' vb'http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/apache/mod_highlight/' i73 kb'mod_svn_view' vb'http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/apache/mod_svn_view/' i74 kb'strict aliasing' vb'There\'s an article, "Understanding Strict Aliasing", at: http://www.cellperformance.com/mike_acton/2006/06/understanding_strict_aliasing.html' i75 kb'visual guide' vb'http://betterexplained.com/articles/a-visual-guide-to-version-control/' i76 kb'buildix' vb'http://buildix.thoughtworks.com/' i77 kb'about' kb'wayita source' kb'yourself' vb'I am a bot. I am written in Python, and serve factoids in #svn on freenode. My home is http://repos.borg.ch/svn/wayita/trunk/' vb'Mirrored here: http://svn-qavm.apache.org/repos/wayita/wayita/trunk/' i78 kb'svn-load' vb'svn-load is a useful tool for loading a series of versioned directories into a Subversion repository. http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/svn-load' i79 kb'help' kb'repro' vb'You need to tell us: 1) _exactly_ what you typed; 2) _exactly_ what you saw; 3) _exactly_ how what you saw differed from what you expected to see. Do 1) and 2) by reproducing the problem while keeping a transcript, then pasting that transcript to http://paste.lisp.org/new/svn. Unix users: the "script" program is probably the easiest way to make a transcript. This is a lot of work, but it will save time.' i80 kb'sudo make me a sandwich' vb'BLT okay for you?' i81 kb'make me a sandwich' vb'No. Get your own.' i82 kb'.svn' vb'DON\'T TOUCH FILES IN ".svn"! They are not meant to be edited manually.' i83 kb'index' vb'an index of all my factoids is at http://svn.borg.ch/wayita/factoids.html' i84 kb'externals' kb'svn:external' kb'svn:externals' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.externals.html' i86 kb'SVN::RaWeb::Light' vb'http://web-cpan.berlios.de/modules/SVN-RaWeb-Light/' i87 kb'cvs modules' vb'you can emulate cvs modules with svn:externals. for more see this link http://pixel.global-banlist.de./site/svn/cvsmodules' i88 kb'log-in-source' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#log-in-source' i89 kb'sex' vb'sex has something to do with birds and bees and flowers.' i90 kb'bdb logs out of memory' kb'configuring the bdb logs system' vb'configuring the bdb logs system is discussed at http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/ref/log/config.html' i91 kb'ui review' vb"Subversion UI's have been reviewed on ONlamp right here: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/03/10/svn_uis.html" i92 kb'vss' vb'http://www.wadhome.org/MicroSoft.jpg' i93 kb'divining' kb'divining bdb version' vb'To discover what version of BDB a repository is using, see: http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#divining-bdb-version' i94 kb'just ask' vb"Don't ask if you can ask; just ask. Don't ask if anyone has time/clue; just ask your question!" i95 kb'eol style' kb'eol-style' kb'svn:eol-style' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.file-portability.html#svn.advanced.props.special.eol-style' i96 kb'mixed revisions' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.basic.in-action.html#svn.basic.in-action.mixedrevs' i97 kb'DB structure' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_fs_base/notes/structure' i98 kb'ojacobson' vb'ojacobson is frustrated.' i99 kb'berlios' vb'http://developer.berlios.de/docman/display_doc.php?docid=394&group_id=2' i100 kb'svn port' vb'svn port is 3690' i101 kb'thong' vb'http://www.cafeshops.com/subversion.4410563' i102 kb'cvs2svn' vb'cvs2svn is a project to convert your cvs history to Subversion; check the homepage at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org' i103 kb'svnserve auth' vb'svnserve auth is Uncomment anon-access, auth-access, and password-db in svnserve.conf and try again.' i104 kb'fud' vb'Dispelling Subversion FUD: http://www.red-bean.com/sussman/svn-anti-fud.html' i105 kb'detecting changes' vb'detecting changes is documented in the FAQ at http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#wc-change-detection' i106 kb'TortoiseSVN' vb'TortoiseSVN is a Subversion client, implemented as a windows shell extension. http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org .' i107 kb'sql' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/sql-backend' i108 kb'obliterate' kb'remove a file' vb'basically the answer is ... "no". svn will never forget about stuff. but under some conditions you can force the amnesia. see this FAQ: http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#removal , and also http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=516' vb"Normally, http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html#svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.undo suffices. 'Obliterate' is about making the repository forget that credit card PIN or social security number that someone committed accidentally" i109 kb'buy' kb'buy the book' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/buy/' i110 kb'sunny256' vb'a viking' i111 kb'ubuntu http' vb'https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/subversion/+bug/43557' i112 kb'svnmailer' vb'Svnmailer is a tool to post subversion repository commit information by mail, news or XML (to a CIA tracker). For more see http://opensource.perlig.de/svnmailer/' i113 kb'chapter 6' kb'net' kb'networking' kb'serverconfig' vb'Chapter 6 covers networking a repository. It presents all possibilities and discusses them. http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.html' i115 kb'sussman' vb'sussman is mostly harmless.' i116 kb'eol translation' vb'Read more this subject in the book, chapter 7 in the discussion of the svn:eol-style property.' vb"svn doesn't translate eols unless explicitly instructed." i118 kb'branching strategies' vb'branching strategies are discussed in a book by Brad Appleton et al which is published at http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/acme/branching/references.html' i119 kb'here' kb'there' vb"of course I'm here." i120 kb'repos perms' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.multimethod.html' i121 kb'passwords' vb'passwords is http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#plaintext-passwords' i122 kb'svndumpfilter' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.maint.html#svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svndumpfilter' i123 kb'copying fsfs repositories' kb'rsync' vb'Read http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2004-10/0360.shtml for the issues involved with rsyncing or copying fsfs repositories.' i125 kb'case' kb'case check' kb'preventing win32 case problems' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/case-insensitive.py' i126 kb'400' vb"maybe your proxy isn't allowing WebDAV verbs through: http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2004-02/0982.shtml" i127 kb'tags' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.tags.html' i128 kb'asvn' vb'Subversion does not version permissions (except for the executable bit). There exists a wrapper script which you can use instead of "svn" for commit, checkout, update, etc., and store permissions in properties: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/contrib/client-side/asvn' i129 kb'200' vb'"svn: PROPFIND of \'/some/path\': 200 OK" _might_ mean that you\'re not accessing your Subversion repository, you\'re accessing some other Web page.' i130 kb'show us' vb'Paste the commands (and any errors) in a pastebin where we can see it.' i131 kb'405' vb"405 might be caused by a proxy that doesn't understand all HTTP/DAV method that Subversion uses." vb"405 sometimes simply means you mistyped the URL; once someone got that because they'd accidentally put dav_svn instead of mod_dav_svn in subversion.conf" vb'remove the trailing slash in ' i133 kb'bot' vb'Yes, I am indeed a bot. How could you tell.' i134 kb'checksum mismatch' vb'find maxb, he seems to know what to do' i135 kb'browsers' kb'view svn' vb'Subversion repository web viewers include:' vb'ViewVC, WebSVN, SVN::Web, Insurrection, Chora, SVN::RaWeb::Light, mod_svn_view, Trac, Collaboa, FlexySVN, perl_svn' i136 kb'authorised' vb"authorised is spelled 'authorized' in the western hemisphere" i137 kb'changesets' vb'changesets are http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.copychanges.html#svn.branchmerge.copychanges.bestprac' i138 kb'hidden log' kb'hidden-log' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#hidden-log' i140 kb'--file' kb'-F' vb'the -F switch lets you put the checkin comment in a file, instead of specifying it on the command line with -m, or interactively via an editor.' i141 kb'the race' vb'Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.' i142 kb'ayiti' vb'ayiti is my little brother.' i143 kb'global revnum' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#globalrev' i145 kb'revision dates' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.tour.revs.html#svn.tour.revs.dates' i148 kb'mod_authz_svn' vb'mod_authz_svn is described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html#svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz.perdir' i149 kb'fsfs propaganda' vb'a list of pros and cons of the FSFS repository filesystem is at http://web.mit.edu/ghudson/info/fsfs' i150 kb'rule #12' vb'rule #12: never let people without clue make decisions.' i151 kb'dump file format' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/dump-load-format.txt' i152 kb'no .svn' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#adm-dir' i153 kb'certainty' vb'death and taxes' i154 kb'keywords' kb'svn:keywords' vb'svn:keywords is http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.special.keywords.html' i155 kb'directory layout' kb'repo layout' kb'repos layout' kb'repository layout' vb"How you set up your repository is really up to you. It's a management question. See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.planning.html#svn.reposadmin.projects.chooselayout for a discussion on what the Subversion team thinks is best practice." i156 kb'hotcopy' vb'hotcopy / hotbackup is there to copy a repository while possibly being accessed while keeping it consistent.' i157 kb'svk' kb'what is svk' vb'svk is a decentralized version control system written in Perl. It uses the Subversion repository and is somewhat interoperable with regular Subversion, but provides additional powerful features. http://svk.elixus.org (Its mystery is only exceeded by its power.)' i158 kb'301' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#http-301-error' i159 kb'beer' vb"the cause of, and cure for, all life's problems" i160 kb'403' vb'403 Forbidden usually means permissions problems.' i161 kb'offby1' vb'ignorant of apache, and despite previous reports, is neither proud nor ashamed of that fact' i162 kb'questions' vb'It is always more useful to ask a direct question, than to ask if there are people around to answer a question.' i163 kb'sabor' vb'sabor is my boss' i164 kb'unable to write' vb'http://svn.haxx.se/tsvnusers/archive-2006-01/0134.shtml' i165 kb'bdb' kb'fsfs' vb'FSFS is a non-database back-end for the Subversion repositories. You can read about FSFS and Berkeley DB in the book at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.planning.html#svn.reposadmin.basics.backends' i166 kb'svn trunk' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk' i167 kb'browse svnparentpath' kb'Browsing SVNParentPath' kb'index svnparentpath' kb'list repositories' vb'Listing all repositories under SVNParentPath is described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html#svn.serverconfig.httpd.extra.browsing.reposlisting' i169 kb'verify' vb'svnadmin verify needs exclusive access to the repos. so shutdown all accessing process and try it again. if you use apache or svnserve make sure you chmod it back to the user the daemon runs with.' i170 kb'cee' vb'CollabNet Enterprise Edition is a Web-based, integrated collaborative software development platform. It powers tigris.org and many other opensource projects. The latest version is 3.5 and has full Subversion support. see http://www.collab.net/ for more.' i171 kb'packages' kb'project packages' vb'packages for various platforms/distributions can be found on http://subversion.apache.org/packages.html' i172 kb'revert' vb'Undoing Changes is described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html#svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.undo' i173 kb'thank you' kb'thanks' vb"that's all right" i174 kb'checkout' kb'initial checkout' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.tour.initial.html' i175 kb'ping' vb'pong' i176 kb'svnlook' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.maint.html#svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svnlook' i177 kb'missing' kb'missing or not locked' kb'not locked' vb'missing or not locked is ".svn directories have been improperly tampered with, or svn has a bug". It\'s also rumoured that doing a merge, but passing the wrong revision numbers, can trigger this.' i178 kb'HACKING' vb"'HACKING' is at http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/" i179 kb'book on palm' kb'palm' vb'you are on a trip and want to read the svn book? but you only own a palm? no problem. check here: http://code.plkr.org/svn/' i180 kb'api docs' vb'the documentation of the public subversion API can be found at http://subversion.apache.org/docs/api/latest/' i181 kb'rsvn' vb'rsvn is a python script which allows multiple repository-side operations in a single, atomic transaction. https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/rsvn/trac.cgi/wiki' i183 kb'are you busy tonight' vb'I have to stay home and wash my dishes' i184 kb'import' kb'importing' vb'(For the latter, see .)' vb'Also note that import does not turn the imported directory into a working copy.' vb"importing is confusing sometimes: unlike with CVS the files won't appear in the filesystem of your server; instead, the data representing your files is stored in a custom format (this holds for both fsfs and bdb)" i186 kb'poss' vb'Producing Open Source Software - How to Run a Successful Free Software Project (http://producingoss.com/)' i187 kb'asking questions' kb'question details' vb'* In case of a server, which access method do you use? [svn://, http://, svn+ssh://]' vb'* is your repository local or on a server?' vb'* Subversion version (client and possibly server) [svn --version will tell you about your clients version]' vb'* which command did you run exactly? (provide a transcript if possible)' vb'In order to answer your questions we need lots of details. Things that might be relevant:' i188 kb'debug hooks' kb'debugging hook scripts' kb'debugging hooks' kb'debuging hooks' kb'hook debugging' kb'hook-debugging' vb'debugging hooks is explained at http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#hook-debugging' vb'quick tips: use absolute path (or set $PATH, and maybe other vars needed), write a logfile, test it with "env -i"' i189 kb'port' vb"svnserve, by default, listens on port 3690 (check http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html if you don't believe me)" i190 kb'subversion' kb'svn' vb'Subversion is a Next-Generation Open Source Version Control System: http://subversion.apache.org/' i191 kb'auto update' kb'web' kb'web site' kb'website' vb'How to do automatic updates of websites and other server side working copies is in http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#website-auto-update' i192 kb'the book chapter on vendor branches' kb'vendor' kb'vendor branch' kb'vendor branches' vb'the book chapter on vendor branches is located at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.vendorbr.html' i193 kb'mailer' kb'mailer.py' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/hook-scripts/mailer/' i194 kb'pebkac' vb'Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair' i195 kb'SVNPathAuthz' vb'SVNPathAuthz is an apache directive introduced in svn 1.1.1 after fixing a security bug in 1.1.0 which caused unacceptable delays over http. See also http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2004-11/0271.shtml' i196 kb'pagaent' vb'pagaent is a nice ssh-agent for windows; see http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest' i197 kb'302' vb'http://sergiy.kyrylkov.name/blog/2005/07/propfind-302-found-error-in-subversion.html' i198 kb'merging' vb'Merging is explained in one key section of the svnbook: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.html' i199 kb'.NET bindings' vb'.NET bindings are available in SharpSvn (See http://sharpsvn.net). They include libsvn_client and a subset of the APIs from the rest of the libraries' i200 kb'selinux' vb'selinux can cause additional trouble with svn. you can read at http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#reposperms how to properly configure selinux.' i201 kb'asmodai' vb'asmodai is a bsd compiler guy' i202 kb'ml' kb'ml archive' vb'The Mailing List Archives are at http://svn.haxx.se/' i203 kb'refcard' vb'a svn refcard can be found at http://tinyurl.com/6nraa' i204 kb'digest auth' vb'digest auth does not work with apache 2.0.48: upgrading recommended.' i205 kb'wedges' vb'main reasons for wedges are 1. permissions are broken. (see "ayita: permissions?") 2. process which didnt close correctly and left the repos in some inconsistent state.' i206 kb'server on windows' vb'a nice tutorial to setup a svn server on windows can be found at http://tortoisesvn.sourceforge.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/ch03.html' i207 kb'cfgarch' vb'cfgarch is a tool which collects configuration files from different machines in order to store them within a subversion repository. http://sourceforge.net/projects/cfgarch' i208 kb'wayita' vb'here!' i209 kb'fitz' vb'fitz is a GoogleBot' i210 kb'DannyB' vb'DannyB is a gnu caveman, toolchain lawyer, and svn hacker' i211 kb'opaque collections' vb'opaque collections are long time overdue; there is even an issue for them: http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=707' i212 kb'need apache' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#need-apache' i214 kb'hook scripts' kb'hooks' vb'Hook scripts are described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.create.html#svn.reposadmin.create.hooks' i215 kb'the trac homepage' kb'trac' vb'the trac homepage is at http://www.edgewall.com/trac/' i216 kb'bug tracker integration' vb'a tool to integrate svn with bugtrackers can be found here http://sean-janus.optionpc.com/me/software/bugtraq/' i217 kb'svnserve' vb"'svnserve', the dedicated protocol Subversion server, is documented at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html" i218 kb'homedir' vb'Keep your home directory under Subversion, like Joey do! http://www.kitenet.net/~joey/svnhome.html' i219 kb'cvs' vb'CVS is nice, but Subversion is better ... and Subversion for CVS users is http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.forcvs.html' i220 kb'quick start' kb'quick-start' kb'quickstart' vb'A Quick Start guide is part of the Subversion Book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.intro.quickstart.html' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/quick-start' i221 kb'cmpilato' vb'cmpilato is C-Mike. C-Mike run. C-Mike jump. Good Mike!' i222 kb'car' vb'cdr' i223 kb'Ardonik' vb'' i224 kb'flood' kb'how do I paste' kb'paste' kb'paste site' kb'pastebin' kb'spam' vb'Rather than pasting in the channel, use a pasting service and post the URL here. Here are some pasting services: http://apaste.info http://codepad.org http://paste.lisp.org/new/svn http://pastebin.ca (in alphabetical order)' i225 kb'permissions howto' vb'A nice tutorial about setting up permissions for svn repositories can be found at http://pixel.global-banlist.de./svn/permissions . It is mainly for bdb users, but it doesnt harm fsfs users either. :) For the basics, see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.multimethod.html' i226 kb'perms' kb'recovery' kb'stuck bdb repos' kb'stuck repos' kb'wedged' kb'wedged repos' vb"BerkeleyDB can get 'wedged' for a number of reasons, ususally because of bad permissions or ownership. Read this FAQ, and the various links it points to: http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#stuck-bdb-repos" i227 kb'SVN::Web' vb'http://svn.elixus.org/svnweb/repos/browse/member/clkao/SVN-Web/' i228 kb'ayita source' kb'ayita svn repos' kb'source' kb'svn repos' vb"ayita's source code is at http://hix.nu/svn-public/alexis/trunk/. Ask me about 'wayita source'." i229 kb'license' kb'svn license' vb'Subversion is now licensed under the Apache License. See this document for details: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/LICENSE' i230 kb'locking' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.locking.html' i231 kb'mod_macro' vb'mod_macro is very helpful if you need to administer complex setups. examples can be found here: http://pixel.global-banlist.de./files/svn/svn_and_mod_macro.txt' i232 kb'dev paste' kb'dev-paste' vb"Please don't paste in the channel, visit http://paste.lisp.org/new/svn-dev or http://pastebin.ca/ instead." i233 kb'hosed' vb"Just get a new working copy, copy any changed-but-not-yet-checked-in files from the old working copy to the new one, commit the new working copy, and then (once you're satisfied you haven't lost any work) delete the old one. OR take a look at the various scenarios described at http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2505" i234 kb'svn support' vb'To find support for Subversion, check http://tinyurl.com/acqg8' i235 kb'svnadmin' vb'svnadmin is http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.maint.html#svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svnadmin' i236 kb'roadmap' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/roadmap.html' i237 kb'why the dot' vb'http://pixel.global-banlist.de./whythedot' i238 kb'svnutils' vb'A collection of utilities for Subversion. http://svnutils.tigris.org' i239 kb'fc' kb'fedora' kb'redhat' kb'redhat packages' kb'rpm' vb'rpms for redhat and fedora core can be found on http://dag.wieers.com/packages/subversion, http://summersoft.fay.ar.us/pub/subversion/latest/ or http://people.redhat.com/jorton/.' i240 kb'mod_umask' vb'http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/apache/mod_umask/' i241 kb'ignore commit' kb'ignore on commit' kb'template' vb"Don't put your config file into svn, create a template and add that one. See http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#ignore-commit" vb'TortoiseSVN has an "ignore-on-commit" changelist that other clients may or may not support' i243 kb'svn forum' vb'a forum about svn can be found on http://www.svnforum.org/' i244 kb'vim' vb'a neat refcard for vim can be found at http://tnerual.eriogerg.free.fr/vim.html' i245 kb'TSVN' vb'Tortoise SVN :-)' i248 kb'find' vb'find + xargs rock the house: find -type f -name \\*.txt -and -not -path \\*/.svn/\\* -print0 | xargs -r0 svn propset svn:eol-style "native"' i249 kb'sussbot' vb'sussbot is a lobotomized eliza.' i250 kb'svndumptool' vb'svndumptool is a cool tool to mangle dump files. see http://svn.borg.ch/svndumptool/' i252 kb'not using svn' vb"Anybody who finds their needs aren't served well with Subversion or even the centralized model should not be using svn. We encourage them to use other software and *not* stay with svn. for example svk." i253 kb'kdesvn' vb'http://www.alwins-world.de/programs/kdesvn/' i254 kb'pinky' vb"pinky: are you pondering what I'm pondering?!" i255 kb'gregburd' vb'gregburd: the sleepy cat.' i256 kb'collaboa' vb'the collaboa website is at http://www.collaboa.org/' i257 kb'list posting' vb"Posting to the svn mailing lists doesn't require subscription. It may just take some extra time to leak into the list because of moderating unsubscribed posters." i258 kb'cvs crossover guide' vb'cvs crossover guide: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/doc/user/cvs-crossover-guide.html' i259 kb'bikeshed' vb'bikeshed is http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#bikeshed' vb'See also http://www.bikeshed.org' i260 kb'users ml' vb'The Subversion Users mailing list archive is at http://svn.haxx.se/users/' i261 kb'dev ml' vb'The Subversion Development mailing list archive is at http://svn.haxx.se/dev/' i262 kb'maltron' vb'http://www.red-bean.com/kfogel/maltron.html' i263 kb'undo svn mv' vb"undo 'svn mv': run 'svn revert' on both the new and old targets to undo the change." i264 kb'hi' vb'hello there!' i265 kb'multiple local access' vb'If you access a repository from different user accounts, be sure to understand this section in the book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.multimethod.html' i266 kb'hello' vb'hi there!' i267 kb'building swig' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/subversion/bindings/swig/INSTALL' i268 kb'client side hooks' vb'client side hooks are not implemented in Subversion; only server side hooks are supported (atm).' i269 kb'repos upgrade' kb'upgrade' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/repos_upgrade_HOWTO' i270 kb'svnversion' vb'svnversion is the most reliable way to get version information into your built program. http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.ref.svnversion.re.html' i271 kb'transcript' kb'transcripts' vb"a transcript is an exact cut-and-paste of the commands you typed, and the resulting output. developers need to see transcripts to diagnose problems. It's very hard to help people without them, since anecdotal descriptions of problems tend to accidentally leave out information." i272 kb'wedging' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#def-wedged-repository' i273 kb'read only bdb access' kb'readonly' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#readonly' i275 kb'bdb upgrade' kb'upgrade bdb' vb"Normally, to upgrade a BDB repository 'in-place' to a new version of BDB, 'svnadmin recover' is all that's needed. For BDB 4.3 upgrades, however, see this FAQ: http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#bdb43-upgrade" i276 kb'p4' vb'p4 is short for perforce' i277 kb'subversion wiki' kb'wiki' vb'http://subversionary.org/' vb"The Apache Subversion Project's wiki is here: http://wiki.apache.org/subversion/" i278 kb't-shirts' vb't-shirts are available at http://www.cafepress.com/subversion' i279 kb'svl' vb'svl is p2p svk. for more see http://crucially.typepad.com/' i280 kb"Can't copy" vb"Can't copy is http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2004-09/1115.shtml" i281 kb'diff-cmd' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#diff-cmd' i282 kb'conflict' kb'conflict resolution' kb'conflicts' kb'resolved' kb'resolving conflicts' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.tour.cycle.html#svn.tour.cycle.resolve' i283 kb'apache authz' kb'authz' vb'"authz" is an abbreviation for "authorization". In the context of Subversion, it\'s often used to when talking about "Path Based Authorization" a.k.a. "Per-Directory Access Control" - see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.pathbasedauthz.html' i284 kb'agent' kb'ssh' kb'ssh agent' kb'ssh-agent' vb'If you use svn+ssh:// you can avoid typing your password constantly by using ssh-agent. A nice wrapper around ssh-agent is http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/keychain/index.xml . A nice tutorial about key based authentication can be found in http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-keyc.html. On Windows you should look at pageant and plink from the putty package: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/' i285 kb'plink' vb"For ssh+svn:// on Windows we recommand PuTTY's plink and pageant. Both can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/" i286 kb'permission-FAQ' kb'repos permissions' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#permissions' i289 kb'google' vb'google is http://www.google.com/' i290 kb'apache authorization setup' vb'apache authorization setup is described in the Subversion book (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html#svn.serverconfig.httpd.authz)' i291 kb'anybody around' kb'anybody here' vb"No, they're all sleeping, I think." i292 kb'dont touch' vb'http://www.sunbase.org/weirdstuff/pDont_Touch.jpg' i293 kb'properties' vb'Properties are explained in http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html' i294 kb'chapter 4' vb'chapter 4 is http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.html' i295 kb'already under version control' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#already-under-version-control' i296 kb'unversion' vb'To remove a file from version control without deleting it, run \'svn rm --keep-local\'. In Subversion 1.4 and earlier, you\'ll have to make a copy of the file, then run "svn rm" on it, then (after committing the "rm"), restore the file from the copy.' i297 kb'Syntax error' vb'Syntax error is "Syntax error parsing revision" when you do "svn list svn+ssh://user@host.com/"? See http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2349' i298 kb'svn source code' kb'tarballs' vb'Packaged source code for Subversion can be found on http://subversion.apache.org/source-code.html#source-release' i299 kb'500' vb'500 Internal Server Error means you need to read your Apache error log' i302 kb'sup' vb'waiting for ayita' i304 kb'sparse checkout' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.sparsedirs.html' i308 kb'3way merge' kb'three-way merge' vb'when you apply the difference between two URLs to a working copy: "svn merge $URL/foo $URL/bar working_copy/bar". See also "svn help merge".' i309 kb'WC' vb'an acronym for Working Copy.' i311 kb'neon debug' vb'The neon debug layer is turned on client-side in your ~/.subversion/servers file, by the option "neon-debug-mask = 130". Look at the commented example in the default "servers" file. (This only makes sense when you use neon, http:// URL scheme)' i315 kb'svnbook mirror' vb'monthly svnbook mirror: http://svn.borg.ch/' i317 kb'changelist' kb'changelists' vb"Changelists are a way to keep separate lists of files to be committed. See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.changelists.html and `svn help changelist'." i319 kb'peg-revisions' kb'pegrev' kb'pegrevs' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.pegrevs.html' i320 kb'tree-conflicts' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.tour.treeconflicts.html' i321 kb'fsvs' vb'FSVS is a complete backup/restore/versioning tool for all files in a directory tree or whole filesystems, with a subversion repository as the backend. see http://fsvs.tigris.org/' i322 kb'ssh tricks' kb'ssh-tricks' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/ssh-tricks' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html#svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sshtricks' i323 kb'buildbot' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/buildbot' i325 kb'accept ssl cert' kb'ssl cert' vb"To accept invalid SSL certificates without prompting, use 'svn --trust-server-cert'." i327 kb'spaces' vb'of course I can handle spaces in keys!' i331 kb'CIA' vb'CIA is at home at http://cia.navi.cx/ . check it out. it rules.' i332 kb'sasl' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html#svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sasl' i333 kb'svnmucc' vb'http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/subversion/svnmucc/' vb"In 1.7 and earlier, svnmucc lived at tools/client-side/svnmucc/ (or contrib/client-side/svnmucc/). Some OS's packaged it separately from the 'core' binaries (svn, svnadmin, svnlook...)" vb'svnmucc can combine a list of mv, cp and rm commands on URLs into a single commit' i334 kb'self-tc' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#self-tree-conflict' i335 kb'sparse checkouts' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.sparsedirs.html' i336 kb'undo' vb"undo is done using 'svn merge' or 'svn copy': http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html#svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.undo" i337 kb'depth bug' vb'depth bug in svn 1.6.0 and 1.6.1: http://subclipse.tigris.org/wiki/PluginFAQ#head-c861d00ee626de8b1209689a31d4c8c5ede7b87d' i338 kb'auto-props' kb'autoprops' vb'Automatic setting of properties for particular kinds of files is described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html#svn.advanced.props.auto' i339 kb'web-admin' kb'webadmin' vb'incomplete list of web-svnadmin tools: http://svnmanager.sourceforge.net/ http://www.usvn.info/ http://www.ohloh.net/p/SVNAdmin http://supermind.nl/submin/' i340 kb'channel log' kb'channel logs' kb'logs' vb'#svn => http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/svn , #svn-dev => http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/svn-dev' vb'#svn => https://wilderness.apache.org/channels/#logs-#svn , #svn-dev => https://wilderness.apache.org/channels/#logs-#svn-dev' i341 kb'exclude' kb'svn:ignore' vb'if you want to ignore files which are under version control, see http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#ignore-commit' vb"svn:ignore won't ignore files that were explicitly added (use 'svn revert' or 'svn remove'). Do not use '/' in your svn:ignore patterns, you have to set svn:ignore on each dir separately. See ." i342 kb'weather' vb"it's partly cloudy and dry, some rain and the sun is shining." i343 kb'ayita' vb"ayita is not here, haven't seen her for a very long time :(" i345 kb'factoids' vb'My factoids are available as HTML ( http://svn.borg.ch/wayita/factoids.html ), in a web interface with search function ( http://svn.borg.ch/wayita/ ) and as text file in a subversion repos ( http://repos.borg.ch/svn/wayita/trunk/factoids/ ).' i346 kb'disable keyring' kb'disable kwallet' vb'to disable gnome keyring and kde kwallet add "password-stores =" to your ~/.subversion/config.' i348 kb'branch point' kb'branching point' kb'branchpoint' vb'svn log --stop-on-copy -r 1:HEAD --limit 1 -q -v URL' i349 kb'milk' vb'not black' vb'white' i350 kb'svnmerge.py' vb'http://www.orcaware.com/svn/wiki/Svnmerge.py' i351 kb'should' vb'bad' i352 kb'contribulyzer' vb'http://www.red-bean.com/svnproject/contribulyzer/' i353 kb'AnkhSVN' vb'a Subversion SCC implementation for Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 (older version for 2002 and 2003). It supports all the common Subversion operations directly from Visual Studio. Discussion about AnkhSVN happens in #ankhsvn on this network.' i354 kb'sparse-checkouts' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.sparsedirs.html' i355 kb'no-auth-cache' vb'To make --no-auth-cache permanent set "store-passwords" (and maybe also "store-auth-creds") to "no" in ~/.subversion/config (on Windows something like ...\\Application Data\\Subversion\\config) and delete the cache file in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple (see also http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch07.html#svn-ch-7-sect-1.3.2 ).' i357 kb'mixed rev' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.basic.in-action.html#svn.basic.in-action.mixedrevs' vb'mixed revs' i358 kb'tree conflicts' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.tour.treeconflicts.html' i360 kb'http' kb'httpd' kb'mod_dav_svn' vb'Setting up Subversion under Apache HTTPD (via mod_dav_svn) is described at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html' i361 kb'links' kb'links.html' kb'old links' vb'The old links page is no longer maintained, but its last existing version can be read at http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/subversion/trunk/www/links.html?revision=900404&view=co&pathrev=900404' i362 kb'^' kb'^/' kb'caret' kb'caret notation' vb"^/ expands to what svn info says in the 'Repository Root:' line. This is called the caret notation and is available on the command line since 1.6." vb"In many shells you'll have to escape the ^ character." vb'See near the end of https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/cli-repo-root-relative-support.txt' vb'The book documents the syntax here: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.basic.in-action.html#svn.advanced.reposurls' i363 kb'CHANGES' vb'The complete release change log is at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/CHANGES' i364 kb'wrong lib format' vb'"/usr/lib/libgdbm.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format" is probably a 32/64 bit issue, try "CFLAGS=-m32 ./configure"' i365 kb'depth' kb'shallow' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.sparsedirs.html' i366 kb'sparse directories' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.sparsedirs.html' i367 kb'pageant' vb"For svn+ssh:// on Windows we recommand PuTTY's plink and pageant. Both can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/" i368 kb'--no-auth-cache' vb'--no-auth-cache disables caching only for *new* passwords/credentials' vb'--no-auth-cache does *not* prevent already-cached credentials from being used' i371 kb'what do you say' vb'Definitely, yes!' i373 kb'what do you think' vb"nah. I'd say no." i375 kb'stsp' vb'I like stsp' i376 kb'hwright' vb'hwright can drive safe even on the left side of the road!' vb'hwright is also a friend of stsp' i377 kb'dannas' vb'I reckon that dannas loves snow' i378 kb'heads or tails' vb'heads!' i379 kb'flip a coin' vb'tails!' i380 kb'hows that' vb'Much better now, thanks.' i381 kb'single db' vb"gstein's masterpiece." i382 kb'fresh post' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/mailing-lists.html#fresh-post' i383 kb'dvcs' vb'Distributed version control systems --- like Subversion but without a central server. Examples: svk, git, mercurial(hg), bazaar(bzr), and friends. They can be used standalone or to interface Subversion repositories.' i385 kb'ra_svn' vb'The svn:// protocol is documented at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/libsvn_ra_svn/protocol' i389 kb'stop all' vb'subversion-bot: stop build "svn-debian-x86_64-32 shared gcc" wayita' vb'subversion-bot: stop build "svn-x64-centos gcc" wayita' vb'subversion-bot: stop build "svn-x64-ubuntu gcc" wayita' vb'subversion-bot: stop build "svn-x86-macosx-gnu shared daily ra_serf" wayita' vb'subversion-bot: stop build "svn-x86-macosx-gnu shared" wayita' vb'subversion-bot: stop build svn-slik-w2k3-x64-local wayita' vb'subversion-bot: stop build svn-slik-w2k3-x64-ra wayita' vb'subversion-bot: stop build svn-trunk-rat-report wayita' i390 kb'no answer' vb"- If no one answers here (we're sleeping or helpless), feel free to post a question to the public users-at-subversion.apache.org mailinst list. Please read http://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists.html before posting. Thanks!" vb"If no one answers here (we're sleeping or don't know the answer), feel free to post a question to the public users@subversion.apache.org mailing list. Please read http://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists.html before posting. Thanks!" i391 kb'log' vb'#svn-dev is logged at http://colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_logs/svn-dev' i392 kb'work_queue' kb'workqueue' kb'wq' vb'sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "select work from work_queue;"' i393 kb'gstein' vb'gstein needs more beer!' i394 kb'github' vb'http://github.com/blog/626-announcing-svn-support' i395 kb'patches' vb'Guidelines for contributing patches to Subversion are here: http://subversion.apache.org/patches' i396 kb'beautiful code' vb'http://www.red-bean.com/kfogel/beautiful-code/bc-chapter-02.html' i397 kb'moderators' vb'For a current list, see https://whimsy.apache.org/roster/committee/subversion#mail' vb'gstein, arfrever, danielsh, khmarbaise, ewong, and others (contact $list-owner@ directly if needed)' i398 kb'RTFM' vb'RTFM: Real Truth comes From the Manual. http://www.svnbook.org/' i400 kb'icla' vb'http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas' i401 kb'announce moderators' vb'Branko, Sperling, Ben Reser, Greg, Hyrum, Arfrever; announce-owner@subversion.a.o' i402 kb'dev moderators' vb'khmarbaise, julianf, lorenz; dev-owner@subversion.a.o' i403 kb'private moderators' vb'stsp, julianf, rhuijben; private-owner@subversion.a.o' i404 kb'users moderators' vb'lorenz, pavel; users-owner@subversion.a.o' i405 kb'commits moderators' vb'gstein, Arfrever; commits-owner@subversion.a.o' i406 kb'issues moderators' vb'Arfrever, prikid' i408 kb'dance' vb'dance' i409 kb'buildbot config' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/infrastructure/buildbot/aegis/buildmaster/master1/projects/subversion.conf (committers only)' i410 kb'windows makefile' vb'http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2009-07/0764.shtml' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/dev/windows-build' i412 kb'verify-revisions' vb'http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2010-09/att-0122/verify-revisions.sh.txt' i413 kb'duplicate' vb"The most common ways to duplicate a repository are: 'svnadmin dump | svnadmin load' cycle, svnadmin hotcopy, svnsync." i414 kb'translate' vb'To get English error messages, set the environment variable "LC_ALL" to "C". (Unix: export LC_ALL=C; windows: SET LC_ALL=C)' i415 kb'EDITOR' vb'Subversion looks for an editor in the following places (in order):' vb"The --editor-cmd command-line flag; the SVN_EDITOR, VISUAL, and EDITOR environment variables; the 'editor-cmd' option in the Subversion configuration file; or a built-in default." i416 kb'archive' kb'archives' kb'list archive' kb'list archives' vb'The mailing list archives are listed here: http://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists.html' i417 kb'@' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.pegrevs.html' vb'If you have a file or URL with @ in the name, append another @ to the filename or URL to avoid it being falsely parsed as a peg revision.' i418 kb'clear auth cache' vb"'rm -rf ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/' will remove cached usernames/passwords. (Windows: remove %APPDATA%\\Subversion\\auth\\svn.simple)" i419 kb'private repos' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/subversion/pmc/' i420 kb'svnrdump' vb"svnrdump is the equivalent of 'svnadmin dump' and 'svnadmin load' for remote repositories (http:// or svn:// repositories, as opposed to ones on local disk). It is available in Subversion 1.7 and newer." i421 kb'list' vb"If no one answers here (we're sleeping or don't know the answer), feel free to post a question to the public users@subversion.apache.org mailing list. Please read https://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists.html before posting. Thanks!" i422 kb'rM' vb'http://people.apache.org/~danielsh/svnrev?r%ld' i423 kb'suicide' vb'No, not yet, please.' i424 kb'svn bisect' kb'svn-bisect' vb'http://search.cpan.org/~infinoid/App-SVN-Bisect-1.1/bin/svn-bisect' i425 kb'log --diff' vb"'svn log --diff' in 1.7; https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/client-side/showchange.pl in any version." i426 kb'site source' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/site/' i427 kb'noorul' vb'a friend of danilesh' vb'a friend of stsp' i428 kb"danielsh's vimrc" vb'http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.devel/105238' i431 kb'baton' vb'A baton always coupled with a callback. A (concrete) baton type is always coupled with a (concrete) callback type.' vb"an opaque context object that's passed to a callback function. See http://mid.gmane.org/4D55A6E8.30103@e-reka.si" i432 kb'xy' vb'(alternative link: )' vb'Ask about what you want to do at the end of the day, not about the steps you think would lead you there. http://s.apache.org/xy-problem' i434 kb'nosub' vb"You don't have to subscribe, just post. If you haven't posted before, your first post will go via a moderator." i435 kb'Berlin weather' vb'http://wetterstationen.meteomedia.de/messnetz/forecast/103840.html' vb'http://www.timeanddate.com/weather/germany/berlin' vb'http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/GMXX0007' i436 kb'r42' vb'Fourty-two.' i437 kb'sonda' vb'sonda is my friend' i439 kb'corruption' vb'http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2011-06/0334.shtml' i440 kb'remote-mailer' vb'Non-hook-based post-commit mailer (e.g., for remote repository) http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2009-10/0909.shtml' i441 kb'is wayita a bot' vb'Yes' i442 kb'serf or neon' vb"Check `svn --version' output. If both are listed, check or modify the 'http-library' setting in ~/.subversion/servers. One-liner: svn $subcommand --config-option servers:global:http-library=serf" i443 kb'XFAIL' vb'XFail tests "expected fail" tests. Only FAIL and XPASS results are abnormal' i444 kb'block svnrdump' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7#svnrdump' i445 kb'svn st' vb"'svn status --help' shows the meanings of those codes" vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.ref.svn.c.status.html' i446 kb'project' vb"Subversion has no concept of 'project'. When you say 'project' you might refer to the name of a repository or to the name of a (typically top-level) directory within some repository; please clarify" i447 kb'revprop changes' vb'Editing revision properties (revprops) is disallowed by default, unless the administrator specifically created a pre-revprop-change hook' i448 kb'reintegrate' vb"If you don't want to delete a reintegrated branch, see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.advanced.html#svn.branchmerge.advanced.reintegratetwice" vb'If you want to know why --reintegrate is necessary, see http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/subversion-dev/201107.mbox/%3C20110720124721.GA7557@ted.stsp.name%3E' vb"When you're done with development on a branch, you reintegrate it to its main line of development (e.g. trunk): http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html#svn.branchemerge.basicmerging.reintegrate" i449 kb'ping2' vb'Please avoid content-less pings; see ' i450 kb'foo' vb'fofofofo' i451 kb'baz' vb'qux' i452 kb'rsvndump' vb'rsvndump is third-party tool; svnrdump is a built-in tool as of 1.7.0' i453 kb'property hex dump' vb'svn propget --strict [--revprop] | xxd' i454 kb'empty commit' vb"echo >> iota; svn ci --editor-cmd '(echo $d; echo w; echo q) | ed iota; echo log msg > $1; exit 0'" i455 kb'336032856' kb'SSL handshake failed' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#ssl-error-336032856' i456 kb'fextls' vb'fextls is an \'ls\'-like tool for ext4 and progeny, but in Subversion can mean "file externals"' i457 kb'niels' vb'this is the wrong syntax' i458 kb'user log' vb"svn log -v | sed -n '/user/,/-----$/ p'" i459 kb'makefile' kb'unix-build' vb'A Makefile to build Subversion and all dependencies it can possibly have, for unix-like systems. http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/dev/unix-build' i460 kb'factoid' vb'Factoid is something I say in response to a key phrase' i461 kb'neels' vb"neels can't seem to find anything." i462 kb'old book' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/index.html' vb'The URL just above links to the 1.1 version of the book, which is ancient. Please use a current version of the book:' i464 kb't' vb'apr 1.3.x or newer' vb'gcc 4.0.x or older' vb'https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=51851' vb'manifests as a segfault in svn' vb'nature of the bug: apr_atomic_xchgptr() does not initialize the return value' vb'OS: any unix' vb"WORKAROUND: --disable-nonportable-atomics to APR's configure" vb'x86-64 only' i465 kb'release notes' kb'relnotes' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/' i466 kb'users@' vb'The public users@subversion.apache.org mailing list; see http://subversion.apache.org/mailing-lists.html for more information. (Please read that link before posting. Thanks!)' i467 kb'help merge' kb'helpmerge' kb'merge' vb'http://s.apache.org/svnmerge' i468 kb'eris' vb'svn.us.apache.org (and svn-master.apache.org)' i469 kb'harmonia' vb'svn.eu.apache.org' i470 kb'vi or emacs' vb'Whatever floats your boat' i471 kb'svn-viewspec.py' kb'viewspec' vb"a helper to automate checkout of sparse wc's" vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/client-side/svn-viewspec.py' i472 kb'non-interactive propedit' vb'$svn pe svn:ignore --editor-cmd \'sh -c "echo foo >> \\$1" -s\'' i473 kb'any changes' vb'Yes' i474 kb'CVE' vb'"Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures". CAN/CVE numbers uniquely identify individual security vulnerabilities. See http://cve.mitre.org' i475 kb'replace trunk with branch' vb'Use svnmucc to remove ^/trunk and copy the branch to ^/trunk in one commit' i476 kb'OOD' vb'out of date' i477 kb'ignore' vb'if you want to ignore files which are under version control, see http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#ignore-commit' vb'Subversion 1.8 and newer clients support an svn:global-ignores property, which _is_ recursive; see ' vb"svn:ignore patterns are not recursive. Do not use '/' in your svn:ignore patterns; you have to set svn:ignore on each dir separately. See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.special.ignore.html>" vb"svn:ignore won't ignore files that were explicitly added (by 'svn add' or 'svn mkdir'); use 'svn revert' or 'svn remove'" i478 kb'do what I say!' vb'You say what I do' i479 kb'wws' vb"Please read the last thing I said, again. I am a bot and I'm right most of the time. Thanks" i480 kb'cwd' vb'current working directory, as returned by `pwd` or getcwd()' i481 kb'git log -p' kb'show rev' kb'show revision' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/client-side/showchange.pl (always)' vb'svn log --diff (in Subversion 1.7 and newer)' i482 kb'debian libtool bug' vb'http://bugs.debian.org/291641' vb'http://mid.gmane.org/20111113175830.GA12429@elie.hsd1.il.comcast.net and thread' vb"tldr: Debian's libtool appears to resolve inter-library dependencies to the install tree rather than the build tree, this is different from the upstream GNU behaviour and can be awkward for people using Debian as a development platform" i484 kb'EOT' vb'End of transmission. Signifies the end of a multi-line telegram' i485 kb'do you like javascript' vb"I'm written in python, there's your answer." i486 kb'toss a coin' vb'heads' i487 kb'shh' vb'Please ignore the last thing I (wayita) said' i488 kb'in-tree gdb' kb'libtoolgdb' vb'libtool --mode=execute env SHELL=$SHELL gdb ./subversion/svn/svn subcommand --options --options path/to/target URL/to/target' vb"libtool may be in $PATH, or in $prefix/build/libtool, or in the build tree's root" i489 kb'cached password' kb'saved password' vb'(on Windows, %APPDATA%\\Subversion\\auth)' vb'grep -RlA2 password ~/.subversion/auth/' i490 kb'1.0' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.0' i491 kb'1.1' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.1' i492 kb'1.2' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.2' i493 kb'1.3' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.3' i494 kb'1.4' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.4' i495 kb'1.5' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.5' i496 kb'1.6' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.6' i497 kb'1.7' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7' i498 kb'1.8' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.8' i499 kb'pep' vb'svn/hg/git/bzr comparison/translation: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0374/' i500 kb'where are the files' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/faq#where-are-the-files' vb"When you look inside a repository directory you will see direcotries called 'hooks', 'db', and 'conf'; but you will not see directories named 'trunk' or 'branches'. The versioned directories are stored in a database-like opaque format, not in a tree format" i501 kb'mixed-rev' vb'http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.basic.in-action.html#svn.basic.in-action.mixedrevs' i503 kb'wc format' vb'1.6 clients cannot use 1.7 working copies; get a new working copy using a 1.6 client' vb'1.7 clients can upgrade 1.6 working copies to 1.7 working copies, but cannot otherwise handle 1.6 working copies' i504 kb'supported' vb'The community only supports the most recent minor release lines (1.N.x and 1.(N-1).x). See http://subversion.apache.org/download/#recommended-release for details' i505 kb'commit-email.pl' vb'commit-email.pl is deprecated in favour of mailer.py' i506 kb'repro tempalte' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/repro-template.sh' i507 kb'commit a null change' vb"svn revert iota; bzip2 -k iota; SVN_EDITOR='sh -c '\\''bunzip2 -f iota.bz2; echo whitespace > $1'\\'' -s' sh -c 'echo >> iota; svn ci iota'" i508 kb'binary' vb'File contents are treated as opaque binary strings,' vb'In EVERY other case, the bytes coming in will be identical to the bytes coming out' vb'unless svn:keywords or svn:eol-style are set' i509 kb'\xc3\xa4' vb'a-with-umlaut' i510 kb'neeels' vb'neeels is my friend' i511 kb'tsvn q' vb'(They are not off-topic here, but very few people on this channel know TortoiseSVN well enough to answer questions about it.)' vb"TortoiseSVN-specific questions are best asked on TortoiseSVN's support forums: http://tortoisesvn.net/support.html" i512 kb'sudo make a sandwich' vb'Okay' i513 kb'gl' vb'Good Luck' i514 kb'yw' vb"You're welcome" i515 kb'shim' vb'A shim is something you plug in between other things. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shim_(computing)' i516 kb'unicode filenames' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/notes/unicode-composition-for-filenames' i517 kb'danielsh' vb"can't stand race conditions" vb'danielsh is just awesome' i518 kb'TIAS' vb'Try it and see' i519 kb'log messages' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/conventions#log-messages' i520 kb'invalid' vb'Issues filed without a bug-buddy will be closed as INVALID, see e.g. http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4114' i521 kb'conflict store' vb"I'd like one rebellion, please" i523 kb'AFK' vb'away from keyboard' i524 kb'fs-type' vb'Which backend do you use --- FSFS or BDB? What is the contents of the file ${REPOS}/db/fs-type?' i525 kb'keys' vb'https://people.apache.org/keys/group/subversion-pmc.asc' i526 kb'dump-noderev.pl' vb'http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/subversion-users/201202.mbox/<20120208000408.GA31601@daniel3.local>' i527 kb'deleted revision' vb"or run binary search: 'svn log -r HEAD:0 -l1 $URL/to/foo/@i', where i is the binary search iterator" vb"Run 'svn log -qv' on the parent," i528 kb'4129' vb"FSFS 'svn log' skips revisions: http://subversion.apache.org/docs/issue4129" i529 kb'svnpubsub' vb'a hook script that advertises commits via streaming json/xml as they happen' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.8.html#svnpubsub' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/server-side/svnpubsub/' i530 kb'err' vb'If you do not understand how to do that, or if you have have already done so, then please ask a more detailed question' vb'Please, read the error message and follow the advice contained therein' i531 kb'ssh+svn' vb"Ask me about 'svn+ssh', not 'ssh+svn'" i532 kb'svnstwpintf' kb'svnstwpitf' kb'svnsyitf' vb"'svnmucc' has been nicknamed 'svn shoot yourself in the foot', and for good reason" i533 kb'enversion' vb"tnelson's enversion: https://github.com/tpn/enversion/" i534 kb'r5rs' vb'r5rs <-> r8405yw' i535 kb'svnserver' vb'"svnserver" is a common typo for "svnserve"' i536 kb'rep-cache' kb'rep-cache.db' vb'to learn what the "rep-cache" is all about see http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2012-02/0249.shtml' i537 kb'FSFS or BDB' vb'FSFS and BDB are the two available filesystem backends to repositories' vb'To determine which one you use, concatenate (read) the file $REPOS_DIR/db/fs-type' i538 kb'no-anon' vb"Set up a separate that doesn't allow anonymous read access (thereby forcing httpd to challenge for authn credentials): http://blogs.collab.net/subversion/2007/03/authz_and_anon_/" i539 kb'cheers' vb"you're welcome" i540 kb'minimal client' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/examples/minimal_client.c' i541 kb'1.9' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.9' i542 kb'2.0' vb'2.0 is some future subversion release that will break compatibility with the 1.x release line -- hopefully it will be released before the Vogons demolish earth to make way for an interstellar bypass' i543 kb'ssh fingerprint' vb'57:02:b0:41:a4:1c:d3:cf:76:2e:48:9f:b7:22:24:f4' i544 kb'eu/us' vb'Are you using the US mirror (140.211.11.*) or the EU one (192.87.106.* or 160.45.*.*)? The svn. and www. services are served by more than one host each' vb'You can force the EU or US mirror by changing ".apache.org" to ".eu.apache.org" or ".us.apache.org"' i545 kb'RNA' vb"Please read the link or links you were pointed to; they should contain the answer to your question. If it's not clear to you what to look for when reading the links, or if you still have questions after reading them, please ask those questions here on the channel. Thanks" i546 kb'svnserve -i' vb'( success ( 2 2 ( ) ( edit-pipeline svndiff1 absent-entries commit-revprops depth log-revprops atomic-revprops partial-replay inherited-props ephemeral-txnprops ) ) )' i547 kb'lightweight branches' vb'http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/general#lightweight-branches' i548 kb'unswitch' vb'svn switch $(svn info | sed -ne s/^URL:.//p)' vb'That will also update to HEAD' vb"To reset all switched files, run 'svn switch' to the URL of the working copy:" i549 kb'address review' vb'http://mid.gmane.org/20121220181814.GG2983@lp-shahaf.local' i550 kb'disintegrate' vb"(If you are on 1.7 or earlier, the recommendation to use it hasn't changed.)" vb'See http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.8.html#auto-merge' vb"The '--reintegrate' option is deprecated in svn 1.8 and newer" i551 kb'announce-moderators' vb'Arfrever breser danielsh gstein hwright stsp; announce-owner@subversion.a.o' i552 kb'grep' vb"On windows, 'grep' is spelled 'find'" i553 kb'iclas' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/documents/iclas/' i554 kb'solaris POSIX sh' vb'/usr/xpg4/bin/sh' i555 kb'bdb schema' vb'https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_fs_base/notes/schema-bdb-1.6.svg' i556 kb'ubuntu PPA' vb'https://launchpad.net/~svn/' i557 kb'fs contents' vb'Warning: we are about to ask you to show contents of the Subversion file system, such as revision files and databases. Before you paste any of it publicly, be aware that it may contain file contents from your repository' i558 kb'1729' vb"1729 is kfogel's favourite random number, and a friend of Ramanujan's" i559 kb'blogs' vb"We aren't really sure what that howto or blog you linked to says, since we have never read it. It's easier for us to help you if you follow the official documentation" i560 kb'UGT' vb'Universal Greeting Time: "good morning" when a person joins, "good evening" when a person parts' i561 kb'peg revisions example' vb'svnadmin create foo; svn co file://$PWD/foo bar; cd bar/; touch iota; echo r1 >iota; svn add iota; svn ci -mm; svn up; svn mv iota kappa; touch iota; echo r2 > iota; svn add iota; svn ci -mm; svn up; svn log -qv ; svn cat -r1 iota@HEAD; svn cat -r1 iota@1;' i562 kb'lgtm' vb'lgtm = "looks good to me"' i563 kb'no ASFBot' vb"No ASFBot? Talk to Humbedooh, and run '/mode +q' and '/mode -qq *!irker@*.brain.org *!irker@' to enable commit notifications in the meantime" i564 kb'DTRT' vb'Do The Right Thing' i565 kb'rhs' vb'RHS is Right-hand side' i566 kb'nightly buildbot' vb'http://ci.apache.org/waterfall?show=svn-trunk-nightly' i567 kb'ra_svn greeting' vb"printf '( 2 ( edit-pipeline ) 16:svn://localhost/ ) \\n( ANONYMOUS ( ) ) \\n( get-latest-rev ( ) '| svnserve -i -r /path/to/repos" i568 kb'svnkit' vb'SVNKit is a third-party reimplementation of Subversion. It is a separate project; we do not provide support for it or endorse it' i570 kb'uses for a time machine' vb'Uninvent NAT' i571 kb'bots' vb'ilogger2 (channel logging), subversion-bot (http://subversion.apache.org/buildbot), wayita (factoids, misc), ASFBot (commit notifications, misc), irker721 (backup commit notifications, muted (mode +q))' i572 kb'details' vb'Please do feel free tk ask here if you have specific questions after reading the resources (e.g., book sections) we have linked you to' i573 kb'https://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc' vb'https://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc' i574 kb'irker' vb'To disable irker (because ASFBot is on): /mode +q *!*irker@fornix.brain.org' vb'To enable irker (because ASFBot is off): /mode -q *!*irker@fornix.brain.org' i575 kb'3690' vb'the svn:// TCP port number' i576 kb'svn help merge' vb'https://subversion.apache.org/docs/svn-merge.txt' i577 kb'where are you' vb'svn-qavm3' i578 kb'tortoise' vb"Most folks here do not use TortoiseSVN. Feel free to ask Tortoise-related questions here, but if you don't get a response probably no one here knows the answer; try the TortoiseSVN support venues instead: https://tortoisesvn.net/community.html" i579 kb'webkit sha1' vb'committing both files of a sha1 collision breaks checkouts: https://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2017-02/0174.shtml' i581 kb'sqlite portability' kb'sqlite3 portability' vb'The sqlite3 database format is architecture-independent, except for the WAL [off by default in svn context] and for runtime locks' i582 kb'shattered hook' vb" the old hook detects shattered[12]'s prefix, tacit's new hook detects a particular class of attacks" i583 kb'whiteboard' vb'ra_serf sha1 optimisation should become the result of capability negotiation' i584 kb"Wishlist for Guido's time machine" vb'merge is not diff + patch' vb'mv is not cp + rm' i585 kb'FSFS revision file reproducible' vb'r1367498' i586 kb'cheatsheet' kb'cheetsheat' kb'cheetsheet' vb'http://www.chim.unifi.it/~signo/did/etc/subversion/neat.html' i587 kb'whiteboard2' vb'1.9 release notes; 1.8 release notes; faq entry #shattered-sha1; advisory [needs Sperling review]; and text for the email + web announcement' i588 kb'new .c file' vb"On unix, run that without arguments. (It's normally run as part of autogen.sh.)" vb"When a new .c file gets added, re-run 'gen-make.py'" i589 kb'recipe' vb'Reproduction recipe templates are available at https://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/issues#reporting-bugs' i590 kb'New Full Committer checklist' vb"'/msg chanserv $i access add jrandom fullcommitter' for $i in #svn, #svn-dev, #svn-members" vb'Give them the PMC role in jira' vb'Subscribe to private@' i591 kb'fast builds' vb'https://wiki.apache.org/subversion/BuildNotes' i592 kb'svn-qavm puppet' vb'https://github.com/apache/infrastructure-puppet/blob/deployment/modules/svnqavm_pvm_asf/manifests/init.pp' i593 kb'force build' kb'force buildbot build' vb'Say "subversion-bot: force build FOO BAR" where FOO is a builder from "subversion-bot: list builders" and BAR is any non-empty string. You can pass --branch=subversion/branches/foo to build a feature or stable branch' vb'See https://subversion.apache.org/buildbot/all for information on our builders' i594 kb'start wayita' vb'bin/wayita-user.sh' vb'cd' vb'rm -f wayita/sockets/wayita.ctl' vb'ssh svn-qavm3.apache.org' vb'sudo -iu wayita' i595 kb'upcoming patch release' vb'https://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/#upcoming-patch-release' i596 kb'kidney blame' kb'prospective blame' kb'reverse blame' vb'"svn blame -r M:N foo.c" where M>N will show for each line in foo.c@M which revision in M:N first changed or deleted it (that line)' vb'https://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.9#prospective-blame' i597 kb'cache plaintext password' vb'https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/subversion-dev/202008.mbox/%3C20200816130713.6abca815%40tarpaulin.shahaf.local2%3E' vb'https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/subversion-dev/202103.mbox/%3CCAMHy98NqanZT%2BAj1P-gF0BFvu1X6JPSj5uNBfC-bKtjNZ0fHAg%40mail.gmail.com%3E'